Postpartum Alopecia (Loss of hair after childbirth) NYC New York NY

Approximately 40% of all women experience hair loss after giving birth. This is due to a delay in normal shedding during pregnancy. The hair becomes thicker during pregnancy and excessive shedding is noticed as the hair returns to its normal state afterwards.

Stress Related Hair loss
Normally we shed up to 100 hairs a day. Usually these hairs are replaced and the scalp is covered. Unfortunately, stress can sometimes interfere with hair growth and cause excessive shedding. There are ways to stop this type of hair loss. Depending on the length and severity of the stress, sometimes a simple step like taking B vitamins will help, but more in-depth treatment may be needed. Either way, the cause of the stress should be addressed and panic should be avoided, easy as this is to say, panic in itself can cause stress, which can cause more hairfall.

Once the stress is removed the hair usually grows back within a few months.